To end the year on a high, all students had the chance to attend a fun filled
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Home News & Events Park in the Past – Dungeons and Dragons
Our Dungeons and Dragons club took part in a bush craft D&D session this week at ‘Park in the Past’. Our adventurers rolled their fate to see how well they could forage for wild garlic and other edible plants which we then turned into delicious wild garlic bread that was cooked on a stick over the campfire. They also had to practice their defence weaponry skills in case of attack. It’s a good job our members were skilled with axe throwing and knife throwing as we had treasure to loot at the fort that was guarded by dangerous creatures! Those who were skilled with magic were able to mix together special ingredients that burst into flame, others who rolled low had to resort to steel and flint to create sparks to create out cosy campfire.
Our characters were given gold to spend at the tavern for completing different tasks. It was our first attempt at LARPing (live action role-play) and we will definitely be doing it again.
What a day to remember!
© Outcomes First Group 2024