Smallbrook careers education and guidance programmes are fundamental in preparing our young people for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life. During their time at the Smallbrook School students will be supported by the school’s dedicated Careers Department and complete an accredited employability qualification.
Smallbrook offers a wide range of careers education, information, advice, and guidance activities delivered through workshops, events, work experience and lessons. The overall aim of our career’s education, information, advice, and guidance is to help students to:
- Understand themselves better and develop their personal capabilities.
- Acquire the skills necessary for making realistic decisions.
- Make informed choices about their own career paths.
- Be aware of all education, training and career opportunities Post 16 and Post 18.
- Gain information about jobs and employment (the labour market) in a variety of areas and understand the skills, knowledge, and attributes necessary to gain and sustain employment.
Careers Provision at Smallbrook School
All pupils have access to the following:
- Embedded careers in the Smallbrook curriculum and explicit employability sessions for all students.
- Visitors in to school and offsite visits support students in developing their understanding of a range of different post 16 pathways.
- All students from Year 7 plus have access to advice and guidance from our Employability teacher and Lead.
- All students in Year 10 plus have access to a meeting with the independent careers advisor and school careers leader. They also explore future pathways through the employability lessons.
- Students have access, through the programme, to relevant careers events hosted in house and at local collages and local/national events.
Key Stage 3
- Student pathways onto accredited and vocational courses are planned and prepared for in KS3. (Options)
- Students take part in Enterprise projects.
- Events and projects are a key part of the KS3 curriculum.
- Students in Year 9 will have the opportunity to take part in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
- Students have one-to-one meetings with the schools’ careers leader and independent careers advisor to discuss future career aspirations.
- Students are invited to attend the school’s annual careers fair (January), where they have opportunity to speak with a variety of providers Army, Police, NHS, hospitality providers, apprenticeship and internship providers and local colleges, both in Shropshire, Cheshire, and Northeast Wales.
Key Stage 4+ (In addition to KS3 ongoing provision)
- One-to-one meetings with the school Careers Leader and independent careers Advisor in Year 10 and Year 11 inform individual routes into Post 16 provision and appropriate and meaningful work experience opportunities.
- The majority of KS4 students take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
- Students in Year 10 and 11 plus undertake Work Experience and work-based placements and opportunities. These can be both short term and long-term placement, dependant on future aspirations.
- Students have the opportunity to take part in an Enterprise project.
- 1-2-1 Student transition visits to colleges or Apprenticeship providers.
- Students complete the BTEC Work Skills qualification: Pass, Fail
We endeavour to ensure that students and supporting adults have access to independent advice and guidance (IAG), whenever required or through set dates to assist with making important academic or career decisions.
Students have access to the Be Ready website and regular meetings with the careers lead [Gemma Comerford]
For careers and work experience support or to book a careers appointment, please email:
View the Be Ready website